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"Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment and is beyond all doubt safer more economical, and the most complete medical science” 

----- Mahatma Gandhi


"Homeopathy and Chinese medicine are two example of possible alternative approaches to disease that do not treat the illness as an enemy and therefore do not create new diseases.”

----- Eckhart Tolle


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Samuel Hahnemann

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a medical science developed by a German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843).

It is based on the principle that “Like cures like”--- that any substance that can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in a person who is sick. This concept was introduced by the ancient Philosopher Aristotle and Hippocrates, and mentioned in ancient Hindu manuscripts and bible, used in Chinese medical practice. 


We can understand  the idea of “Like cure like” if  we think about a person who has perhaps just suffered a great loss and is in a great grief. It would not be very comforting or appropriate to tell him a joke at this point. It would be far better to be empathetic and show your own grief help console him. For example, an onion is a substance which makes your eyes water and your nose burn. If you are having an attack of hay fever with watery eyes and a burning nose, a homeopathic remedy made from onion can relieve it. For Insomnia, People often take a drug  to bring on an artificial sleep. This frequently involves the use of large or regular doses of drugs, which can sometimes causes side effects or addiction. In Homeopathy, we give a remedy made from coffee, which in large doses causes sleeplessness in a healthy person.


Homeopathic remedies, for reasons that are not fully understood, seem to “jump start” the body’s natural healing force to function properly. Currently there are six thousand substances used as homeopathic remedies to treat everything from colds and cough to arthritis and cancer.  Homeopathic remedies do not cause negative side effects and you cannot become addicted to them. They act by stimulating your own your homeopath will advise you on what steps to take. Homeopathy is an excellent aid through pregnancy, birth, childhood illness, puberty, menopause and old age.



Which types of conditions are best treated by homeopathy?

Homeopathy is particularly effective in treating chronic illnesses that fail to respond to conventional treatment and is also a superb method for acute illnesses such as a cold, flu, headache and respiratory infection. However, it’s also well-suited for a wide array of problems, including allergies, eczema, menopausal problems, PMS, insomnia, rheumatoid arthritis, migraines and autoimmune diseases. Homeopathy is widely used to treat behavioral problems such as anxiety, ADD (attention deficit disorder), seasonal affective disorder and depression. And, under a homeopath’s supervision, pregnant women can take homeopathy for problems including morning sickness.



How does it work?

Homeopathic medicines work by stimulating the immune system. Once your immune system is strong and functioning effectively, many of your ailments will naturally disappear.


What to expect?

Occasionally symptoms appear to get worse for a short time. This is a good sign that the remedy is taking effect. Sometimes a cold, rash or some form of discharge may appear as a 'spring cleaning' effect which means your system is going through a cleaning stage. Similarly, old usually for a short period. These symptoms will pass, and must not be treated, as they are a very important part of the healing process. Some patients do not notice any changes at all in the beginning of their treatment. In this case a change in the dosage and or not notice any changes at all in the beginning of their treatment. In this case a change in the dosage and or selection of remedy may be necessary. If any response to your treatment concerns you, be sure to discuss this with your homeopath. You might find it helpful to make notes of any changes and take them with you to discuss at your next appointment.

Is Homeopathy a placebo?

It is proven to be effective in the treatment of babies and animals, who have no preconceptions. Homeopathy has taken on an increasingly important role in alternative veterinary medicine.


Is Homeopathy new age or occult?

Homeopathy is a science based on principles of physics and chemistry. Homeopathy is not a religion, it's a system of medicine and will not interfere with your religion or belief system. Many religious leaders advocate the use of homeopathy as it does not involve the use of drugs.


How long does the treatment take?

This depends on;
1. What type of illness you are suffering from
2.  How long you have had the illness
3.  Your age and overall health
4.  Your sensitivity

The longer you wait before seeking treatment, the longer it takes to treat. When your body starts to show signs of imbalance or disease, don't hesitate, get help right away. For acute (short-term) ailments, treatment can be very rapid. Long standing complaints take time to treat. Homeopathy cures from the inside, and often outer symptoms such as a skin complaint, are the last to clear. Be patient! In the long term it is much better to address the underlying imbalance than merely relieving or suppressing the symptoms.


What to look for when choosing a homeopath?

Since a homeopath needs to collect very detailed information about you, it’s important that you feel comfortable enough with this person to be forthcoming about your health issues. Homeopathic Initial consultation is an in-depth, confidential interview to record your physical, mental and emotional characteristics and symptoms. You should also feel confident that your homeopath will take your health issues seriously and would refer you to another physician if your needs are beyond the scope of homeopathic medicine.


What to expect at the Homeopathic consultation?

In order to choose the correct remedy for you as an individual I will need to know all about you. A detailed understanding of who you are, along with any complaints and details of how you experience and deal with your symptoms is vital to the determination of your treatment. Evaluating and cross referencing of your reported symptoms is very important to identify one homeopathic remedy from over 6,000 that best match your symptoms picture. A homeopath is NOT a physician and will not diagnose an illness or disease.  A homeopath should not encourage you to stop your conventional medical treatment or medications without consulting your healthcare provider(s). I offer to work with you as a consultant to improve your health.  The goal of homeopathy is to remove those physical, emotional, and mental barriers that prevent you from living your life to its’ fullest potential.  


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